the altar is rotten

in the cathedral-mall-sexshop complex

beyond the three keyed door

behold, an electric organ

the chorus teacher plays the esoteric delayed chord combination that opens yet another door

further down, steps downward in the darkness

it is cold and you can hear the wind rushing

you turn back

you're back in the complex

the dazzling mega sexshop catches your attention

and as you browse through the filthy, delicious products you come to the realization that somehow even self-pleasure is a commodity

the naked store clerk comes up to you and tries to lure you to a peepshow

something feels wrong

you leave the store


the mall is empty

the clicking of malfunctioning fluorescent lights drives you mad

you frantically search around for help

quickly, climb the amphiteather of plastic meals, now empty and mostly dark, with a few lights managing to hum and live

and there! the exit, a way out of this infernal maze of human indulgence

she is there

waiting for you

you cannot recognize her present form

which one of them is she? does it matter?

she offers you a way out on her 2-seater motor-machine

you grab a guitar to keep you company during the trip, it might get boring (and you loathe boredom), and step outside

apocalypse is coming

the sky is dark with bulbous malformed clouds

the rain, oppressive, but you barely feel it

a haze of lighting flashes and blue incadescent lights are the only sources of light out here

but you hesitate

you turn back again

the cathedral feels safe

the lighting is warm there

in a secluded room, a trio of nuns are busy

in another, a barely sentient child is crying and naked

you close and lock the door - it was not meant for you to see

you keep walking through the halls

open the tall wooden doors


and you are now a goat